September 30, 2013

First. Link-up/Award. Ever.

Since LaDawn from The Daybreak Bird awarded the Sunshine Award to "any one out there" ... I decided to play along...  

This is my very first Link-up... not too sure how this works... hope that I get it right!! 

  1. Include the Award Logo in your blog.  Big problem... don't know how to do it.... :(
  2. Link to the person that sort of nominated you - LaDawn (okay... that was easy!)
  3. Answer 10 questions about yourself! - Love to talk about moi... so that will be easy!
  4. Nominate 10 bloggers to receive this award (No can't do here... since I have no followers.. so I will not be able to nominate even one person!)
What is the meaning behind your blog name?
My name is Christine but everyone calls me Chris. When I met my husband, he found that Chris was a very masculine name and felt funny calling his new gfriend Chris. So with some consideration and time… he came up with the name Kouisse (pronounced koo-EESS).  So basically, Kouisse’s Korner… is my small corner of the internet.

If money did not matter, what would you do for a living?
I would be a stay at home Mom.  But there is only one problem… I have NO children.

What kind of music do you listen to?
All kinds but I especially like French Canadian music.

What is your least favorite holiday?
Note that when I first read this question… I was thinking more vacation than holiday (for some reason I mix up those 2 words) 
Punta Canada March 2012. - My Dad had never travelled south of the United States for a holiday/vacation, I decided to take a trip with him to an all-inclusive resort for a week. Not even 24 hours into my vacation, I started getting nauseated then came some cramping.  And not long after… the non-stop vomiting… and the major diarrhea.  My dad felt so bad for me until HIS diarrhea started.  Needless to say… we were both stuck in our rooms all week.  What a disastrous holiday!! 

Would you rather live without tv or music?

What was your favourite subject in school?
I didn’t really have a favorite subject since I was really NOT a dedicate student and did not like school.

How many pets do you have?
At this moment, none!  I lost my 15 year old baby girl Camille last November.  Back then I swore that I would never get another dog but I must admit lately that I am hitching for another dog!

What kitchen gadget do you use the most?
Soup is my all-time go-to food for the Fall.  So the gadget I’ve been using the most lately is my Soup-Blender-All-In-One-Maker that my hubby purchased for my birthday a couple of years ago.  I love this small appliance.

What reality show do you most want to be on?
Definitely not Survivor... 

Are you shy or outgoing?
Definitely outgoing!  The following is a true fact… the number one reason why I work 37.5 hours a week is to socialize and plus a pay check is deposited into my bank account every other week!


  1. I could never be on Survivor.

    That sounds like an awful trip to Punta Cana!
